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是否有现货: 品牌: Syntron
行业: 多款供选 形态: 全部型号
动力形态: 振动加料机 加工定制:
类型: 槽式给料机 型号: 全部型号
包装: 原装进口
Syntron | Syntron 振动机 | Syntron 给料机
杭州盈众工贸有限公司经营工业器材十馀年,主要代理及经销进口的优质气动液压元件及其他工业设备。多年来“盈鑫” 更被行内冠以 “ 液压气动之家 ” 的绰号,口碑载道,专业经验,实至名归。 2007 年在厦门成立大陆分公司, 2010 年上海公司的成立。是专门为那些需求高品质生产工具之客户服务。我们以极合理的价格,供应原装进口的元件,器材及设备,以助客户提高生产力。
Syntron? Vibrating Feeders for heavy industry are ideal for feeding a wide variety of bulk materials from storage piles, hoppers, bins and silos. Rugged and dependable, Syntron? heavy-duty feeders are backed by years of service-proven performance in the mining, aggregates, glass, cement, chemical, wood products and steel industries.
Syntron? Vibrating Feeders are designed to increase bulk handling productivity with high, controlled feed rates to improve cost-per-ton efficiency. Electromagnetic and electromechanical models are available. With capacity ranges from 25 to 4,000 tons per hour, these feeders are ideally suited for high-tonnage feeding. Feeder selection should include consideration of production requirements, material characteristics, and operating environment.
Syntron? Vibrating Feeders are sub-resonant tuned, two mass, spring-connected systems. These features enable Syntron? feeders to work consistently under material damping and other varying head-load conditions with negligible changes in trough stroke. Sub-resonant tuning maintains stroke consistency and speed stability, thus delivering higher capacities at controlled feed rates.
我公司代理销售 Syntron 系列产品,具有价格优势,如需了解,欢迎来电咨询!
编辑:杭州盈众工贸有限公司  时间:2018/05/11

